Past Riders

Name: Mark Davidson

Name: Mark Davidson Interesting facts: Fact1: I used to be a werewolf but I’m alright...

Name: Kim Ho

Name: Kim Ho Interesting facts: Fact1: I am from Malaysia Fact2: I also sail Fact3: I volunteer with...

Name: John Oehlmann

Name: John Oehlmann Interesting facts: Fact1: This would be my second ride with this organisation...

Name: Kim Baskin

Name: Kim Baskin Interesting facts: Fact1: I collect pretty flowers and grow them around my house –...

Name: Angeline Donoghue

Name: Angeline Donoghue Interesting facts: Fact1: I drive a bus Fact2: I love cooking cakes Fact3: I...

Name: Chris Rubie

Name: Chris Rubie Interesting facts: Fact1: Don’t understimate an old man on a bicycle Fact2: Ok.I...

Name: Greg Denton

Name: Greg Denton Interesting facts: Fact1: I can cycle faster than Craig Jeffries but I’m letting...

Name: Daniel Oehlmann

Name: Daniel Oehlmann Interesting facts: Fact1: I have just completed my bachelor of information...

Name: Michael Imrie

Name: Michael Imrie Interesting facts: Fact1: I’m now powered by plants Fact2: My Family is my...

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