Fundraising Profiles

Fundraising Profile Karl Waretini

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? A) emailed my family, friends and contacts B) Promoted...

Fundraising Profile Syska Pacekova

Syska in Switzerland Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? I’ve started with designing a little...

Fundraising Profile Lorinda Bruce

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? I have been emailing, facebooking, pestering my friends...

Fundraising Profile Tiffany Sharp

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? I have mixed it up a bit to capture different audiences...

Fundraising Profile Tommy and Lisa Diller

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? We have actually donate some money to our own cause, and...

Fundraising Profile Sally Dymond

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? I am doing a charity garage sale on Dec 5th...

Fundraising Profile Susan Jones

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? I have been talking to and encouraging friends, family...

Fundraising Profile Michelle Joseph

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? Have done the usual things such as creating a facebook...

Fundraising Profile Nathan Dunn

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? I’ve been bringing up the ride in general conversation...

Fundraising Profile Brenton Pobjie

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? The first thing I have done this year was to run a...

Fundraising Profile Claire Pizzey

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? My approach has been to excite people to consider...

Fundraising Profile Beth Harper

Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise? My friend Celia and I have a strategy to host two...

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