Karl Waretini
Q1: What have you been doing to fundraise?
A) emailed my family, friends and contacts
B) Promoted My event on Facebook giving updates of my challenge and pledge…can see what and when I have posted
C) promoted to my BNI Business networking group consistently over past 5
D) running a Planning workshop for clients and contacts hopefully raise $1k
E) Volunteer speaking at events in lieu of donations
F) gifted coaching sessions to couple of 1 off clients in lieu of donation
Email copy below
Kia Ora Friends
I’ve signed up to ride in the ADRA charity cycle ride “Coromandel Classic” on March 8-10. It will be 300km of pain and more pain navigating the numerous hill climbs, but it will be worth it, because every pedal I push will help assist vulnerable families at home and overseas. This year we have over 70 riders and our goal is to raise over $130,000. To do my bit I’ve set a stretched target of $5000 and I am grateful for your help to raise it. Every little bit adds up.
Some extra good news is the NZ government will match another $3 for every $1 donated, meaning we can make a bigger impact.
And you also get a tax donation certificate for a refund on this years tax return.
Now for the penguin on a plane part. If you help me reach my target of $5000 I will board my plane to Auckland wearing nothing but my cycling outfit. I’m talking about the lycra shorts, cycling jersey, gloves, helmet, sunglasses, etc. (A sponsor is arranging their branded cycle kit for me to wear) ….Now if you think wearing cycling gear is embarrassing enough, how much more embarrassing will it be to wear it on a plane with no other fellow penguins to blend in with. If you are not so sure how much of a big deal this is, ask yourself this – would you do it? If your answer is NO, then please give generously. If it’s YES, then we have 5 places left, why don’t you sign up and I’ll reserve a place on my flight for you.
Imagine Kuz in the cycling kit on a plane.
To make things even more interesting, I also pledge the following:
Help me raise $3500 and I’ll shave my head
Help me raise $5000 and Im going Penguin on the Plane !!
To support my ride and to be a change champion please donate today by clicking on the below link:
Thank you for your support and I will be sure to keep you posted.
warm regards
Q2:How have you found peoples interest in what you are doing?
People have been very supportive of the event and my part of the mission
Q3: Have there been any surprises or interesting things happen to you as you fundraise?
Some people have made super generous donations beyond my expectations
Q4: How is your training coming along?
Pretty good with couple rides a week all on hills with a longer ride usually on Sunday . Tapered off due to recent commitments but selected medium group this year to enjoy the scenary
Q5: What has kept you motivated to raise so much money?
Knowing the difference the funds make to the causes being supported and The impact it makes for people receiving the support